Celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Māori - Māori Language Week

19 Sep

This week is Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Māori Language Week, an annual celebration for all New Zealanders to show their support for the Māori language, an official language of this country.

The theme for Te Wiki 2024 is ‘Ake ake ake – A Forever Language’. It represents the resilience, adaptability and endurance of the Māori language. It also reflects the commitment New Zealanders have to embracing and learning te reo Māori long into the future.

In celebration of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, here are some helpful words and phrases that you can incorporate into your water polo vocabulary:

  • Water polo – Pōro puna kaukau
  • Team – Kapa, Tira
  • Coach – Kaiako
  • Referee – Kaiwawao
  • Ball - Pōro
  • Pass – Maka
  • Goal – Piro
  • Point, Points – Whiwhinga, Kaute
  • Score – Kaute
  • Well done – Tino pai
  • Let's go! – Rehekō! Kōkiri!
  • Be strong! Give it your all! – Kia kaha! Kia toa!
  • Go hard! Give it heaps! – Karawhiua!

Learn more about Te Wiki 2024 and te reo Māori, here.

2024 NZWP Registrations!